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WWDC 2018 – Apple Sends Out Invites

Apple has now confirmed that the 2018 WWDC event will take place on the 4th June 2018 at 10am Pacific Time – Thats about 6pm to us UK folk!

The opening keynote of WWDC will take place at San Jose McEnery Convention Centre and not at its Apple Campus, where we thought it may be changed to.

As always the WWDC is a 4 days long and offers developer sessions based around its latest software releases which we believe will include iOS 12, macOS 10.14, watchOS 5 and tvOS12.

Occasionally Apple uses its keynote events to launch new products and on previous years we’ve seen the releases and/or previews of the HomePod, new MacBook Pro’s and the iMacs.

This year, although rumors are circulating on the slime Retina 13″ MacBook we don’t thin that the WWDC 2018 will be its launch.

The best way to follow the keynote is by following @macrumorslive on Twitter. Click the link for details.


This latest news snippet has been written by ourselves because we want to write it. We have not been paid by anyone to do this we simply do it for the love of gadgets.

Photo has been provided by Apple’s Developer Website for use of WWDC 2018 events only.

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