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The Top 9 Apple Car Play Apps in the UK of 2019

Apple CarPlay Screenshot

Its amazing how much I use Apple CarPlay over my built in GPS system, its just easier and the apps are on hand to help without too much of a distraction...

Since my first Apple CarPlay Top 9 of 2018, I have been inundated by emails and requests to update the Top 9 Apple CarPlay Apps.

It’s difficult to find new ones, but since Waze and Google Maps have joined in, the pecking order has changed.

On top of this a few more manufacturers have added Apple CarPlay as standard to their range which is fantastic. We just need Tesla to add Apple CarPlay to their system now…

The Top 9 Apple Car Play Apps in the UK of 2019...

9. Apple Maps...

Apple Maps for me, has moved to the back of the bunch. Yep, I still use it on a regular basis because I can ask Siri for directions quite easily, but I find other Map Apps much easier to deal with.

I have also noticed recently that Apple Maps takes me on a detour which isn’t helpful. We live on the edge of the Peak District and some of the lanes are just as wide as our car resulting in a nice dint.

8. Whatsapp...

I’ve fallen a little out of love with Whatsapp over the last 6-12 months, yes it offers encryption and now calling, but I’m not up to anything that really requires encryption…

Plus with the T&C’s changing, I don’t want that dirty dog Facebook to get hold of any of my data, thats why its now my number 8!

7. Waze...

A community based system, where by drivers submit accidents, speed cameras and road issues. Not a bad system but I feel the mapping on the Apple CarPlay display feels a little child like.

I do however like the petrol prices being displayed, it makes my life much easier when traveling long distances. But Google Maps does have one better for our EV car…

6. Podcast App...

The Apple native App works extremely well and notifies me of my latest podcasts. With the likes of David Tennant and Neil Patel on my latest episode list it gives me something to listen to when I’m nodding off.

Easily subscribe and set downloads to be on WiFi or Cellular Data, plus depending on the Podcast, you can easily go back and listen to some old episodes. Except the deleted Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross podcast.

5. Apple Music App...

I was anti Apple Music, I already pay a hefty amount to Apple with my iTunes Match service, my 2tb iCloud Allowance and my annual iPhone upgrade, but recently I have been using Apple Music a little more (since I could integrate it with Alexa.)

Its 45 million songs, will keep me entertained for a while but I do miss my DJ Quads, Dyalla and David Cutter which are featured on Spotify. I’ll keep persisting though!

4. Radioplayer...

For me, Tune In Radio was my go to App but its recently been letting me down and not connecting. Radioplayer takes off where Tune In Radio left me hanging.

I can listen to all of my favourite stations, anywhere in the world and at the moment its Add and subscription free. So whats not to like?

3. Spotify...

Spotify is staying at Number 3 for me, even though I now have both a Spotify and an Apple Music subscription. All my playlists are there from 6 years ago and the playlists that Spotify creates for me are always spot on and what I want to listen to.

I have now got an iOS Shortcut to transfer my Spotify playlists to Apple Music but this is proving very difficult and doesn’t transfer them correctly, nor with the right versions of the songs.

2. Virgin Radio App...

It was a sad day when Chris Evans announced his departure from Radio 2, even more so for us as DAB is quite sketchy in the countryside. However, Richard Branson has cleared the moths out of his wallet and developed an App.

This way you can tune in nice and easy to Chris Evans and make your mornings all positive again.

1. Google Maps...

I will get some grief for this, but I personally find Google Maps better than Waze and also gives me traffic alerts and diversions when needed.

It integrates nicely with my Google Calendar so that I can click an appointment and it loads the destination up ready in my display.

I’m not bothered about Speed Camera alerts, but I have noticed recently that I even get these on Google Maps now. The one big decider for me is that Google Maps now gives me locations and availability of electric car charging points!


Written just for the love of writing! We haven’t been paid to promote any of the Top 9! But we may get a small commission should you click on any of the links on this page.


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