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Siri Shortcuts in Beta

Apple Launches Beta Version of New Siri Shortcuts App for iOS 12...

All ready for iOS 12, Apple today introduced the Siri Shortcuts in Beta version, developers can request access to this through the developer centre.

All requests are being handled through Apple’s own app, TestFlight. Users have to request the app after logging into Developer Centre, once you press the button Apple has said that selected users will be emailed to see if they have been permitted access.

The app is based on Workflow, which Apple purchased back in 2017. It allows people to create multi step shortcuts utilising many different apps. For instance turning Live Photos into Gifs, automatically adding specific songs on to a playlist.

The Siri Shortcut app is based on the same basis, but utilising a Siri Voice Command.

Utilising Siri and this new app, you will be able to set up sepcific shortcuts to turn on things like thermostats, send locations to friends when you leave a specific area and a number of others.

At the moment Apple have said that there would be no iCloud syncing and will have limited access, but we are just as excited as you guys are about trying out, especially because we love the Workflow app so much.


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