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Bluetooth Gloves

Bluetooth Gloves

Such a Handy Gadget to Own...

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Bluetooth Gloves Review...

When the email came over from Firebox with these on them, I had to order them! Bluetooth Gadgets are a must, doesn’t matter how silly they seem. At the time of ordering only the Grey ones were available for men so they were quickly added to my basket.

Delivery was quick, not even 24 hours between ordering and landing on my desk at Gadget Geek HQ. The box was quickly destroyed and the gloves were on charge.

Pairing was easy enough and they were quickly added to my iPhone and ready to use. The first afternoon of the gloves saw me doing the school run and the shopping, my phone rings constantly so using them on the school playground caused many weird looks! But hey, they work!

Battery life is pretty good, but try and remember to turn them off in between stops. I forgot and when it came to using them the gloves had died. They charge via a Micro USB so there are plenty of chargers around for me to use to give the battery a top-up.

You are suppose to be able to use Smartphone screens with the gloves on, I found this to be very difficult. I found myself removing a glove to operate the screen which surely defeats the object?

They are a little expensive for what they are and maybe a little gimmicky! But I’m not bothered, these gloves will be used right through to Spring and at least until the sun comes out.


The Bluetooth Gloves are available in Grey or Black, Mens and Ladies. At the time of ordering, only the Grey pair was available for men… Click and they were added to my basket. I ordered my pair from Firebox, to be honest I didn’t have a look at any other retailers as I simply clicked through from one of there email campaigns. Great accessory to own, but do you really need them?

Additional Information...

Battery life is not too bad, better to remember to switch them off when you can. I kept forgetting to do this and when I wanted to use them they had died. Not a problem as it will charge with any Micro USB charger, and as we all know there are plenty of those around.

What Would Go Well With It...

Well of course, you need an iPhone or something to connect to it! I have actually paired it with my MacBook Air so that I can use it for Skype!


Although we are showing Amazon adverts and affiliate links on our page, we have purchased this Amazon Echo Dot with our own funds and have simply reviewed the unit as a hobby. We like being upfront and honest, we hope this review reflects this.

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