YouTube can be so addictive, so here is top 9 YouTubers to Follow for Gadget & Tech in 2018...
YouTube has become everyones go to when they are bored… Flicking from sneezing pandas to people falling into rivers.
But its also a huge platform these days to Vloggers… Yes thats right, people who run channels and effectivly blog by video.
Its a fantastic website to visit to learn or find out information, but also provides me with hours of entertainment.
Find below my top 9 tech and gadget youtubers of 2018!
The Top 9 Gadget and Tech YouTubers to Follow in 2018...

9. The Slow Mo Guys
I’ve always been fascinated by Slow Motion cameras; how they work and what they capture. These guys help me to understand this by using ultra slow motion cameras. I’ve tried to replicate things they have filmed in the episodes with my Sony RX100 V at 1,000 fps but I’m not even close. They have even been on James Cordon’s show. They have captured bullets under water at 27,000 fps, water balloons and much more. Its very addictive and amazing in the same breath.

8. Karthik Unboxed
Apart from Karthiks very soothing hypnotic voice, his videos are great for those who love to watch unboxing videos on YouTube, especially tech! He does some fantastic videos on the iPhone and GoPro gear including extremely useful; Should I Upgrade Videos. His videos are especially useful if you like the latest Apple releases as he seems to shop for these! Worth a look!

7. The Gadget Show
The Gadget Show has come a long way since it launched back in 2004 and I do miss both Jason Bradbury and Suzi Perry, but Jon Bentley is still around with his take on the latest tech on the market. The Gadget Show has had many incarnations over the years, some have failed miserably but its still a programme I love to turn on to when I’ve got a spare minute. Jon Bentley is joined by Red Dwarfer Craig Charles who actually gives a different take on Gadgets, he is really down to earth and almost gives an everyday approach to gadgets and taking them on board. Ortis Deley and Georgie Barrat are the additional presenters. The Gadget Show YouTube channel is great as not only does it give you a few videos from recent episodes but I love the #TechMeBackTuesday which shows classic clips from the old series, with some really old technology.

6. EverythingApplePro
Apart from his really annoying Amercian voice, EverythingApplePro’s channel is really enjoyable and of course Appe related. He does run an Android YouTube channel is you aren’t an Apple Fanboy. From drop tests to AK47 tests, latest Apple rumors and reviews, case tests and much more. EverythingApplePro is quick to upload the latest findings. Whilst is not my favourite channel for watching and learning, it is great for keeping up to date with the latest Apple News.

5. Jason Lanier Photography
Yes I know its another Photography YouTuber but sometimes the technology that these guys use to produce their work blows me away. We all know modern photography is about the kit in the hand and on the desktop, but you’ve got to have an eye for photography as well. So Jason Lanier has a very different approach to YouTube videos… Its very laid back, very natural but addictive. I have learnt so much from this guy since I’ve been watching his episodes. Jason Lanier also runs a number of workshops, mainly concentrated in the USA but he does travel worldwide including the UK. I will attaned one of his workshops one day. Subscribe and watch a few of his videos, especially if you are a budding photographer. This guy has gone from working in the Hotel industry for Marriott to being a very well respected photographer.

4. Fstoppers
I know this category says YouTubers and really Fstoppers and a few of the other Top 9’s are a bunch of people, but effectively they are YouTubers. So my number 4 is Fstoppers, its a great channel featuring loads of videos including Product Reviews, Tips & Tricks, proper Full Length Tutorials and more. There website is also full of the latest news, articles, rumors to do with photography. You can really pick some great tips up from both YouTube and the website.

3. Fully Charged
I’ve been a massive fan of Robert Llewellyn for years, mainly due to the UK comedy show Red Dwarf. But now he has traded in his latex suit and become all eco friendly to promote electric cars and reusable energy. He is also the main reason why I changed our VW Golf GTi to the new VW Golf GTE with a little help from Jonny Smith as well. So Fully Charged, its a YouTube channel with videos and reviews of various things. Sometimes they do a very quick episode, other times they do some 30 minute episodes and always worht a watch. I’m such a bigger support, I even pay towards their Patreon – Check it out.

2. Kai W
I’ve only recently been a subscriber to Kai W on YouTube but soon became addicted to his very obscure way of reviewing items and of course, providing a few tips on photography here, there and everywhere. Kai Man Wong as his is really know started life with Redwolf Airsoft making some quite cringy videos, apparently it all started after taking a year off to travel. Kai then went on to do Digital Rev before going out on his own, making his own videos. His style is very addictive and I’m sure by the time you’ve watched a few of the YouTube videos you’ll be a subscriber too!

1. Jason Bradbury
Former Gadget Show Presenter from the UK and author of a couple of childrens books including Dot Robot. Jason has recently decided to sell his house and take a year out with his family, travelling the world.. Jason Bradbury uploads videos on his travels but also some of the tech he comes across. His travels have so far included Spain, America, Australia, Japan and that’s just a few, he has even had chance to visit some of the Caribbean Islands. I am a big fan of his and I love the way he responds to comments either on YouTube or on his social media channels, he really does take his time out to answer questions. This is why he is number 1!
Written just for the love of writing! We haven’t been paid to promote any of the Top 9! But we may get a small commission should you click on any of the links on this page.