Affiliate Links and Adverts
Disclaimer about Affiliate Links and Adverts
Please take note that some of the links on are affiliate links, these include the Amazon Products, Google Adsense and some of the links used on the reviews.
This means that should you click on the link and make a purchase we may be paid a small commission, this isn’t applicable to all links.
We only share products we love and actually purchase the gadgets and trips using our own funds, we share the reviews as we feel they will be helpful when purchasing them or for researching.
We recommend that you conduct your own research before making any purchases and our views are of our own and not of any connected parties/manufacturers or suppliers.
Should you have any further questions, please email us at
Guest Blogs and Reviews
We get asked all of the time whether or not we will review your item or service, the answer is yes to most. However, before we publish any reviews we will send over a copy for your perusal. We are open and honest and if we feel the service or product has some flaws, we will put that within our review.
Some businesses have asked us to omit these negative comments, however the choice is either have the review published or not. This sounds harsh, but we want to be impartial, we want to let people know what we think, not what you should make us think but we do as always try and make all reviews sound positive in our writing.
For your record, our reviews will include a link to your product or service with campaign codes in so you know where it has come from. We also include Rich Cards and Schema into our reviews so that our results appear higher in the listings.
Any questions, please email us at

Hello, I'm Rhys
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